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About Us

Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) are experienced teachers trained to work collaboratively with ākonga, caregivers, family/whānau, kaiako, Learning Support Coordinators (LSC), SENCOs, senior management and the educational community to support positive outcomes for students in Years 1-10. We team up with kaiako to support ākonga to reach their full potential within their educational environment. 

We are a team of 13 specialist kaiako employed by our Lead School, Kaiapoi North. We support 40 schools across North Canterbury and work in partnership with the local Kahui Ako networks, Ministry of Education: Learning Support, Mana Ake and other agencies. We are guided by the He Pikorua practice framework and the Learning Support Delivery Model. 

​​​​​Our cluster is traversed by four significant braided awa, the Waimakariri, Rakahuri, Hurunui and Waiau rivers and this is represented through our logo. The analogies between RTLB mahi and the He Awa Whiria framework (braided rivers) are evident – providing the strong banks of support, being guided by the flow, coming together, branching off, considering all streams of knowledge and ensuring the quality of the environment so all ākonga thrive.  

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Our Whakatauki

Mā te whiritahi, ka whakatutuki ai ngā pumanawa ā tāngata

Together weaving the realisation of potential

Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi


 The North Canterbury RTLB service have developed procedures and practices that reflect the cultural diversity of New Zealand and the unique position of Māori culture.  Specifically, we are committed to emphasise the place of mana whenua in all of our documents and reflect the uniqueness of both Ngāi Tūahuriri and Ngāti Kurī.  The vision of Te Rautaki Mātauranga (Ngāi Tahu Educational Strategy) is that education will enable the success and wellbeing of Ngāi Tahu whānau in all aspects of their lives.  We will use this document as our inspiration to do more for mokopuna and their whānau, and we will work to connect the NCRTLB to the uniqueness of the land and people.  Everyday we strive to know more, do more and do better.  

The North Canterbury RTLB team will take steps to provide a service that reflects our obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and focus on the three key areas for supporting Māori educational success  

  • Māori Potential  

  • Productive partnerships  

  • Identity, language and culture ​

We are committed to  

  • Knowing the cultural narratives that are reflected in the cluster of schools we work within.  

  • Continue to work proactively to connect positively and authentically with whānau, hapū and iwi.  

  • Align our practices to be informed Ngāi Tahu tikanga.  

  • Connecting and collaborating with Ngāi Tūāhuriri Education committee and keep them informed with the work that we are doing to support mokopuna. 

  • Proactively seek to employ RTLB that have the skills and understanding to work effectively and inclusively in kura. 

  • Placing whānau and their mokopuna in the centre of all we do and will seek feedback about the impact of our mahi. 


 “Change can happen with the right ingredients in the right amounts and at the right time. For me those ingredients are curiosity, vision, passion, critical enquiry,  energy, consistency, integrity, relevance and excellent alliances.”  


Dr Irihapeti Ramsden, Ngāi Tahu

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